Every activity is a form of energy.
#breatharian #breatharians
#breatharianism #happybreatharian
Kacper Maciej Postawski
Infinitecodes ᛖ "908920705318451" Effects:
All Negative Beings, Archonts, Demons, All Cold Blooded Species Negative statists such as (Hybrids, Reptoloids, Grays, Mantisse, Anunnaki, the Draconians of the world dematerialize Completely and Finally dissolve. Permanent effect.
Alle Negativen Wesen, Archonten, Dämonen, Alle Kaltblütigen Spezies Negative Statisten wie (Hybride, Reptoloide, Grays, Mantisse, Anunnaki, die Drakonier der Welt dematerialisieren Vollständig und Endgültig auflösen. Permanente Wirkung.
Wszystkie negatywne istoty, Archonty, demony, wszystkie zimnokrwiste gatunki negatywne statystyki, takie jak (mieszańce, Reptoloidy, szarości, Modliszki, Anunnaki, Draconianie świata dematerializują się całkowicie i ostatecznie rozpuszczają. Trwały efekt.
Infinitecodes ᛖ "13017" Effects:
The power of CPH4 = 100% of Brain achievement
Brain access to all areas
Control and master all abilities and all kinesis
Such as: control TVs and cell phones from thousands of miles away,
perfect marksmanship, extreme agility, instantaneous reflexes, telepathy, telekinesis, teleportation, Remote Viewing... and much more.
CPH4: created from nothing.
The power of CPH4 is a substance that occurs naturally in women during their sixth week of pregnancy, and that gives fetuses the “energy” to build their skeletal structure.
Watch the Movie LUCY (2014) to get to know more!!!
English: https://kinos.to/Stream/Lucy-2.html
The use from CPH4 also here in the Movie THE WITCH: SUBVERSION (2018)!!!
or here in the Movie LOGAN - THE WOLVERINE (2017)
Infinitecode "13017" Effekte:
Die Leistung von CPH4 = 100% der Gehirnleistung
Gehirnzugang zu allen Bereichen
Alle ...
Infinitecodes ᛖ "31061" Effects:
With the help of Infinite Love, I solve and banish all Morgellons, Nanoparticles, Nanochips, Microchips, Smart Dust, Artificial Fungi and Intelligents, Smart Technologies, Weapons, Clones, Negative Poled Beings and Robots, Surveillance Technologies Hardware and Software, and those responsible for it demons, evil spirits at all times. So Be It! Thank You Thank You Thank You
Mithilfe von Unendliche Liebe löse ich alle Morgellons, Nanopartikel, Nanochips, Mikrochips, Smart-Dust, Künstliche Pilze und Intelligenzen, Smart Technologien, Waffen, Clone, Negativ gepolte Wesen und Roboter, Überwachungs-Technologien Hardware und Software, und die dafür Verantwortlichen Dämonen zu allen Zeiten auf und verbanne Sie Jetzt Sofort! So Sei Es! Danke Danke Danke
Z Pomocą Nieskończonej Miłości rozwiązuję i wyrzucam wszystkie Morgellony, nanocząstki, Nanochipy, mikroczipy, inteligentny pył, sztuczne grzyby i ...
Infinitecodes ᛖ "13017" Effects:
The power of CPH4 = 100% of Brain achievement
Brain access to all areas
Control and master all abilities and all kinesis
Such as: control TVs and cell phones from thousands of miles away,
perfect marksmanship, extreme agility, instantaneous reflexes, telepathy, telekinesis, teleportation, Remote Viewing... and much more.
CPH4: created from nothing.
The power of CPH4 is a substance that occurs naturally in women during their sixth week of pregnancy, and that gives fetuses the “energy” to build their skeletal structure.
Watch the Movie LUCY (2014) to get to know more!!!
English: https://www.kinos.to/Stream/Lucy-2.html
The use from CPH4 also here in the Movie THE WITCH: SUBVERSION (2018)!!!
or here in the Movie LOGAN - THE WOLVERINE (2017)
CPH4 - 6-carboxytetrahydropterin synthase
What happens when we ...